5th Century AD: Mecca develops into the main city of the region.
570: The Prophet Muhammad is born, assumed to be the Prophet of Islam.
630: Mecca is taken over by the prophet and his followers, expansion into the Arabian Peninsula begins.
1269: The region is defeated by the Mamelukes of Egypt.
15th Century: Saud dynasty emerges in the region near modern Riyadh.
Mid 18th Century: Religious leader, Muhammad ibnu Bdi l-Wahhab creates a Saudi supported sect, this movement eventually establishes a national state in the center of Arabia (Najd).
1802: Mecca is overpowered by the Wahhabis.
1812: Wahhabis are pushed out by the general population.
1818: Saudis and Wahhabis make Riyadh their capital, reconquering begins again.
1865: Dynasty crumbles due to civil war causing a dissection, Arabia and Ottoman clans exist.
1902: Riyadh is recaptured by Abdul Aziz ibn Saud.
1906: Saudis seize control of Najd again.
1913: Conquering of Hasa, which is east of Najd.
1921: Conquering of Jabal Shammar, which is northwest of Najd.
1923: Britain puts a halt on funding Abdul Aziz and the Sharif, this causes a shift in power in favor of Abdul Aziz.
1924: The Sharif officially makes himself Caliph. Abdul Aziz identifies himself as guardian of the Holy Place.
1925: Conquering of Medina.
1926: Abdul Aziz declares himself the king of Hijaz.
1932: Defeated territories become unified and called SAUDI ARABIA. Abdul Aziz declares himself King of Saudi Arabia.
1938: Discovery of oil.
1940-1945: Saudi Arabia and the U.S. are allies during WWII.
1951: Agreement with Aramco, an Arabian-American Oil Company, gives Saudi Arabia 50% of the earnings for oil. Aramco begins paying taxes to Saudi Arabia rather than that of the U.S. government.
1953: Death of the King, Abdul Aziz, succeeded by his son, Saud.
1956: Saudi Arabia lessens their economic and political ties with Britain, France, Israel, and Egypt.
1957: Relationship with the U.S. heightens with King Saud's visit to the U.S.
1958: King's power was balanced out with the introduction of legislative and executive powers, which were given to the Prime Minister.
1963: Army is mobilized after severing the ties with Egypt.
1964: Prince Feisal takes power over King Saud, the political system implemented by the Prince is still in use today.
1967: Saudi Arabia offers aid to Egypt, pre-six day war.
1973: Saudi Arabia is key player in boycotting oil to Western countries that were in favor of Israel, this cause oil prices to be four times higher.
1975: King Feisal is murdered, Khalid rises to King.
1979: Saudi Arabia denies financial assistance to Egypt after signing the Camp David Agreement.
1980: Saudi Arabia fully controls Aramco.
1982: Death of King Khalid and succession of King Fahd.
1987: Relations with Egypt are re-established.
1990: US intervenes in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait because Saudi Arabia requested intervention.
1991: Saudi Arabia attacks Iraq to help liberate Kuwait.
1992: King Fahd propose the consultative council, majlis al-shura.
1993: Consultative council is inaugurated, 60 men are installed by the King.
1994: Osama Bin-Ladin is stripped of his Saudi identity/nationality.
2002: Iraq border crossing reopens, first time since Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.
Citations: THE SAUDI NETWORK. "Saudi Arabia Old History." http://www.the-saudi.net/saudi-arabia/saudi_history.htm (accessed June 4th, 2009)
BBC. "Timeline: Saudi Arabi (1871-2003)." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/1017886/posts (accessed June 4th, 2009)